Here are the best metal and hard rock album covers from 2015. Gotta say this year summoned up some truly amazing cover art and it was hard job to choose these. Keep in mind they are not in any particular order since it is way impossible to choose the best, nor make a difference between positions 20 and 21. Those lists keep to fail too many times.
My personal favorites this year however are Ahab‘s wonderfully illustrated under the sea cover, Sulphur Aeon‘s apocalyptic artwork, Slayer goes really repentless and satanic in their latest album, Red‘s hypnotic piece of art, disturbing Moonspell cover and Aruna Azur‘s futurist album art.
Do you agree? Did I forgot something that should absolutely be in this list? Let me now and feel free to share this post. Also remember to stay tuned ’cause my annual ‘Funniest album covers’ is also on it’s way…
25 best of the best metal and hard rock album covers from 2015:
#orakle #art #hackneyed #design #heavymetalgraphicdesign #skogen #bandmill #Ghost #georgekollas #covers #Best #coverartyngwiemalmsteen #2015 #luciferschild #arcturus #redapollo #krakow #lorddying #MetalBandArt #nordicgiants #petealander #sulphuraeon #moonspell #minsk #logo #cover #kontinuum #WeButterTheBreadWithButter #arunaazura #thobbeenglund #news #album #taucross #Slayer #gorgoroth #alander #metal #satan #artwork #oceansatealaska #moonreich #red #annisokay #ahab